Jackson OCEANGATE SHORE JIGGING ROD – smtackleshop

4.6 (623) · $ 22.50 · In stock

The Ocean Gate Shore Jig rods from Jackson Japan are a fantastic land based rod option for both beach and rock lure fishing. These carbon blank, fast-action rods are made with top quality componentry like their Fuji K guides and finished with sleek, elegant aesthetics. They're super strong yet super light too. You'll s

The Ocean Gate Shore Jig rods from Jackson Japan are a fantastic land based rod option for both beach and rock lure fishing.

These carbon blank, fast-action rods are made with top quality componentry like their Fuji K guides and finished with sleek, elegant aesthetics. They're super strong yet super light too. You'll struggle to find anything like them for the price they're at.

They're made specifically for onshore lure fishing, so they have a nice stiffness through the rod with enough flexibility to really flick the lures out on the cast for extra distance. Their length also suits beach and rock fishing perfectly, long enough to gain plenty of casting distance, but short enough to remain in control at all times.

Jackson OCEANGATE surf JOG1062M-K SF

ギフ_包装】 Jackson JOG-1000MH-KSJ オーシャンゲートOceangate ロッド

Jackson OCEANGATE surf JOG1062M-K SF

Jackson OCEAN GATE -SHORE- JOG-906ML-K SJ -Lure : 14-45g

JACKSON Ultra Light Fishing Spinning Rod OCEAN GATE Aji JOG-610L-K

売れ筋商品 Jackson オーシャンゲートOceangate JOG-1000MH-KSJ - フィッシング

Jackson OCEANGATE surf JOG1062M-K SF

在庫処分セール Jackson SJ. オーシャンゲートOceangate JOG-1006H-K

Jackson OCEAN GATE -SHORE- JOG-906ML-K SJ -Lure : 14-45g

直営店に限定 Jackson オーシャンゲートOceangate JOG-1000MH-KSJ - フィッシング

Jackson Ocean Gate Mebaru Rods